Sunday, March 13, 2011

Food Storage Friday

I know it's Sunday, but I made this on Friday, so I'm still calling it Food Storage Friday.

Yesterday morning I started making homemade yogurt! I know it isn't beans, and even worse, it's not FSF! However, it is a provident method, so I felt I had to share.

All you need is 4 cups of milk (whole or 2 percent), and some plain yogurt starter (make sure it contains active cultures).

Start heating 4 cups of milk in a saucepan. It's not necessary to bring it to a boil, just heat until bubbles form around the edges and steam rises. Once the milk is warm, pour into a bowl and allow it to cool until you can hold your finger in it for 15 seconds. It should still be warm, just not scalding.

For the starter, I used a personal sized cup of plain yogurt, containing active cultures. Don't use more than that.

Sorry the picture is on its side, I just couldn't make it do what I wanted. Put the yogurt in a small bowl and whisk for smoothness.

Once the milk has cooled down enough, mix a couple spoonfuls of it into the small bowl, combining well. You don't want lumpy yogurt. Add to the warm milk. Whisk to combine.

Place the bowl of milk in a warm place for 10-12 hours. My house is quite cold, so I stuck it in the oven with a pot of hot water. Periodically, you can scoop out the layer of water that settles on top (this happens as the yogurt sets.

It will still seem thin, so just cover and put in the fridge.

In the morning you'll have really fresh yogurt that is excellent with honey, almonds, banana, granola, etc.

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